Can't retire, can't find job:CNN - May. 21, 2008
It took those age 55 and older an average of 21.1 weeks to land a new job in 2007, about five weeks longer than their younger counterparts, according to AARP.In other words, we now have at least ONE EMPIRICAL METRIC by which to measure the current impact of AGE DISCRIMINATION. It's a weak, manufactured, and understated figure, but at least it's a figure: "five weeks longer." In practical reality, it's five months to five years ... or maybe NEVER.
"Clearly older workers will be more adversely affected because of the time it takes to transition into another job," said Deborah Russell, AARP's director of workforce issues.
Companies like Bank of America (who tried to rip off my mother-in-law's 30 year service pension after 29.5 years of faithful service!) at least used to wait until 64 to toss you on the scrap heap. Now it's 54. At just 54 workers are increasingly told, "you're old, you're a burden, you suck, now get the hell out of here!"
But that's how it's supposed to be, right? It's a free market, baby. Stop your whining. You're old. You suck. Now get the hell out of here and go die like you're supposed to. You did your part and the value you left in your wake is now OURS. Surely you realized you were always just another disposable interchangeable part in the manufacturing engine, right? If not, you are not only old and pointless, but STUPID and therefore deserve even more to live in stress, debt, and squalor for the rest of your days.
The basic message from American business: "So what if you have a Master's Degree ... you're old, so you suck ... now go bag groceries. What? You spent all your money raising children? What? You spent all your money simply existing? What? You have some vestigial professional pride and self respect? How DARE you! Back to the cotton fields, WAGE SLAVE!"